Happy TWOSday! 2-22-22
We celebrated by wearing tie dye, tutus, ties, t-shirts, tennis shoes and tootsie pops specially delivered by Mrs. Hahl. 💕🎉

First graders celebrating Valentine's Day and surviving 100 days 🥰💕🎉

More Dukes aged over night... celebrating 100 days! 👵👴

We're all feeling a little slower today...but 100 days wiser!

Happy Monday! Let's do this!

We are so grateful to have Mrs. Lewis in the library! #readersareleaders

Coming up - February Fun Days: Feb. 11 - Sports Day to kick off the Superbowl; Feb. 14 - Red/Pink/Valentine's shirt Day; Feb. 22 - TWOsday - Wear tie dye, tiaras, ties, tutus, dress up for this rare calendar date: 2-2-22!

I am so proud of everything our school is doing to support the American Heart Association and keep our community healthier. Mr. J has helped coordinate this fundraiser. If you would like to check out our mission or donate, please contact your child's teacher, or email jeczmionkaj@e-hps.net. THANK YOU!

Playing in the snow is SNOW much fun!

Our first graders love building challenges in S.T.E.M.!

Duke Values Video